Ashwin Willemse now gunning for his doctorate

Ashwin Willemse Picture: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)

Ashwin Willemse Picture: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jul 9, 2018


Cape Town - “Education is the greatest mirror created by mankind; through pursuing education you learn so much about yourself as an individual.”

These were the reflections of former Springbok and SuperSport rugby analyst Ashwin Willemse on graduating with an MM (Master of Management in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation) with distinction from Wits University last week.

Willemse’s wife Michelle also graduated with a degree in philosophy on the same day.

“This means everything to me, it is my life’s work, it’s a lifetime that has emanated in this degree. I poured everything in here,” he said.

“For me, the most fulfilling part of this journey is that I now know without a shadow of a doubt that any individual has the capacity and should strive to do it for themselves as well,” he told the Cape Times on Sunday.

It took him 18 months to complete, and Willemse has no plans to stop now. His next goal is to complete his doctorate.

“I think in pursuing education you get to learn so much about yourself as an individual. It allows you to internally reflect in a way that very few other things can. It is where you learn we all stand on the shoulder of giants in order to see our potential future.

“Education changes not just the one who pursues it, but everything that he or she will endeavour and how they will endeavour,” he said.

Willemse has not returned to his job at SuperSport following an incident in May where he walked off set during a live broadcast, saying that he would not be “undermined” and “patronised” by colleagues Nick Mallett and Naas Botha.

SuperSport lodged an independent investigation into the matter, which found no evidence of racism.

However, the matter has not completely been resolved, as Willemse refused to participate in the investigation and said he was taking the matter to the Equality Court.

Commenting on the matter, he said: “I feel complete.”

[email protected]

Cape Times

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