#CherylZondi ready for second 'victimisation' to get justice

Cheryl Zondi

Cheryl Zondi

Published Mar 19, 2019


Johannesburg - Cheryl Zondi said she was ready to go through second “victimisation" in order to see justice served.

Zondi, who accused Nigerian Pastor Timothy Omotoso of raping her, said if she had to tell her story over and over again to get justice she would do it. 

"I don't care how many times I have to tell the truth or go through the same process over and over again, this is about justice, " she said

Zondi was reacting to news that the judge in the matter, Mandela Makaula, recused himself.

Makaula recused himself from the case last week after it emerged that state witnesses had been accommodated at a guesthouse owned by his wife. 

In the interest of justice, Makaula said, he would be stepping down even though he had no financial interest or a role in the affairs of his wife’s company.

Despite having been subjected to a brutal cross-examination when she first testified how Omotoso raped her, Zondi said she would not give up on the matter and would go through it again if she had to.

Zondi, who had waived the right afforded to sexual assault and rape victims to remain anonymous, berated the fact that Omotoso's lawyer wanted cameras to be removed when the matter returns to court the second time.

"They want to dictate how victims tell their stories,” she said.

She also stated that she had not received any communication from the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) regarding Makaula's recusal.

The Star

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